Friday, February 3, 2012

The Walk Of Life

I take a lot of walks, and when I do lots of interesting thoughts go through my mind. This was one of them one day when I thought about walking and where and when I walk.
We all go through stages in life. We are always at some stage in our lives where whatever we are involved in seems like the only thing that matters.
I have gone through many.
As a young child, my life was all about sports. More specifically, baseball in the summer and hockey in the winter. There wasn't a day that went by that I wasn't preoccupied with sports. In those days we didn't have the internet or 24 hour sports only cable tv channels. Nevertheless, I always found a way to get my fix. Radio, magazines, newspapers, live games or just playing with my friends on my street or in a league. There was no such thing as "too much" sports.
As I grew into a teenager I still  loved sports but the infatuation faded away. The female persuasion took some of my interest from that. Still does.
In my early twenties, I was enthralled with horse racing. I ate, slept and breathed it. It was not uncommon for me to spend all weekend at the races, sometimes a full day at the track watching live and simulcast races. After all that I would buy all the race programs for the next few days and study them for hours on end. There was no such thing as "too much" horse racing. After a few years though, I did all I can do in the horse racing game.  Fan, owner, trainer and just all around consumer of all aspects of the game. I maxed out on it and it faded off as well.
Those interests have faded. They are still there in some smaller way. They will always be there. I will always have some interest in sports and horse racing. Just never on the level that it was before. 

In life, you move on at some point. Sometimes you take a step back and then a step forward.  Most times that step forward is in a different direction. You realize that you aren't on the path you want to be and find a new direction. That can be good..or bad. You just don't know until you arrive at your destination whether you have made the right choice. Sometimes you never really know.
The walk of life is filled with those moments. We all walk in a certain direction for a certain reason, constantly moving forward, or taking a step back. Sometimes staying put or moving sideways in order to gather ourselves. We are constantly in motion whether we are moving or not.

Stepping back, moving forward, walking the right path, the fork in the road. Which way to go, who knows? Who ever really knows?

Currently my passion is writing. Will that passion fade away? I don't know. I won't know until I get to that point where I have to walk farther into it or in a direction away from it.

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