Tuesday, March 11, 2025

People are wrong. Trump IS creating certainty. Of a bloodbath. Its the great regression.

Warren Buffett is an investor. In some views, the greatest of all time. That is all he does. He doesn't start companies or invent or make things or run big Fortune 500 companies. He either buys them or invests in them. Currently, while he is on record stating that he hates to keep his capital in just cash, he is awash in cash. He has upwards of 90 percent of his money just sitting in low return cash investments. He continues to sell what little he has invested. He gets it. He is certain about what is going on and has been for a couple of years at least. Investments, right now, are bad investments. He is someone who puts his capital to work. Right now, that isn't working, so he doesn't. There will come a time, an extreme bottom in the stock market, and some very desperate companies that need immediate capital, and he will swoop in then. He did exactly that in 2008. He is patient and very disciplined.

Friday, February 7, 2025

America needs to do better than Donald Trump. Its as simple as that. A lot better.

I'm going to begin this blog with a passage from a TV show I used to watch about 15 years ago. That show, Human Target, wasn't on that long (2 years I believe), and while it started with a fantastic pilot, highlighted by this clip in a very good first episode, it tailed off and only had small amounts of quality as it progressed. I actually didn't even watch any of Season 2. By the end of the first season, it had petered out badly. Its my contention, and that of many, that the show ended up going the wrong way because of interference from the network. The creative people were overruled by the non creative people. More about that later. Nevertheless, this -in my opinion of course-is one of the all time great scenes in TV history. That is a big claim and I will attempt to back that up. Mostly because of Jackie Earle Haley and how he plays Guerrero in this scene and others. Also, the structure and the dialogue in this scene are perfection. Anyway, on to the clip.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Take me out to the experience.

Taking the experience out of the experience. That is what this blog will partially be about. It's also about a trend or mindset that has been building for many years in our society, but now it is wildly out of control. It might even be irreversible at this stage. That remains to be seen.

About Me

Daily profile about a specific artist,their life, their work and their impact