Friday, June 1, 2012

10 Random Thoughts

1. I don't understand people who say "Happy Birthday" to people who have been dead for years. How can it be happy? They are dead.

2. Why is it a rule of thumb? Did index fingers get the shaft in this deal? Don't pinky's matter?
3. If you are being real, you are neither negative or positive. It is only the reader who thinks you are.
4. When I delete ads on Facebook it asks me this:
"To help us show you better ads, tell us what you like."
How about none of them. Yes, lets go with that.
 5. Simple rule of life. . Can't reason with the unreasonable.
6. There’s no such thing as luck. Circumstances are not random.
7. I liked your post so much that I liked it, then unliked it then liked it again..Just so I could like it twice.
8. At some point all big boobs start to look the same, but we still love them anyway.
9. Taking the bus to get around sucks.
10. I totally respect your opinion. I just don't agree with it.

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