Saturday, January 12, 2013

9 Random Thoughts

1. Thumbs up if you want to take all the thumbs away from those goofs on You Tube when they tell you to put them up.

2. Why 9? Don't Be Predictable. That's why.

3. There are times when your muse is more of a maze.

4. I would treat you with kid gloves. But my inner child is also very nasty.

5. It's the thought that counts. Except when there is no thinking. Then it doesn't count.

6. Fighting with your destiny is a losing battle not worth fighting.

 7. The problem with the Monkey See, Monkey Do thing is almost always the Monkey Do part.

 8. If you are going to tag your photos..why not just do it in the middle of your cleavage. We are already looking there anyway.

 9. I have an intimate, personal relationship with Jesus Christ! Do you?

 No,  we have decided to be just good friends.

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