It's funny how perception works.
Yesterday, I posted a nice profile pic. I do that from time to time. It's called Facebook, so I like to update my face on the book.
But, when I went to make that new pic my profile pic, it would not let me crop it properly, and gave a much different look to the pic.
As it turns out, it was kind of cool how it looked.
Instead of looking like a nice pleasant pic, it made my look intense and I often get that response anyway. Really, it is just how I look.
Here is the pic I took.
Here is how facebook made it look.
But, the pic was one pic.
Some thought it was intense. Others thought it was cute.
People will perceive things based on what they see, but in reality, what is there is what is there.
I try not to read too much into pictures, although they do mean something. I prefer to derive my opinions and thoughts based on the words people say and how they act when they are live and in front of me.
I know that is tough on Facebook when all we have are pics of someone but if we think about it, it is very easy to get a perception of someone based on the pics they post and a few things they say. That is probably why you can safely say that you rarely truly know your Facebook friends unless you meet them in person. You only get a slice of their lives, a very small slice, and it distorts who they really are.
People think I am intense. But for the most part I am a very laid back, easy going guy. Not much gets to me. I write provocative and direct stuff, but I don't take it too seriously.
I think it is wise to keep in mind the impressions we take from people. But, then, perception works how it works.
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