A blog to showcase my opinions and thoughts. Various forms from Artist Profiles to Random Thoughts, as well as long, newspaper style opinion pieces. And everything in between.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Absolute freedom does not exist. And it never did. Or will.
Jenny...can you say in one sentence or less why America is the greatest country in the world?
Sharon....Diversity and opportunity.
Lewis....Freedom and freedom. So let's keep it that way.
Will.....It's not the greatest country in the world professor. That's my answer....With a straight face, you are going to tell students that America is so Star Spangled awesome that we are the only ones in the world that have freedom? 207 sovereign states in the world. Like 180 of them have freedom....there's absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we are the greatest country in the world....So when you ask what makes America the greatest country in the world, I dont know what the fuck you are talking about. It sure used to be. We stood up for what was right. We fought for moral reasons...we sacrificed. We cared about our neighbours, we put our money where our mouths were...acted like men, we aspired to intelligence, it didn't make us feel inferior. We didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election. We didn't scare so easy. We were able to do all these things because we were informed..... First step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore
People want to believe what makes them feel better, and more secure. They want to hear it from people who they believe think like them and probably have their best interests at heart. Even, when in most cases, they don't. They want to believe that not only is their country great, it is the greatest in the world. Even if it's just one of many great countries in the world. In the history of time, no country has ever been the greatest. If they tried to lay claim to that and prove it, as the Romans, Greeks, British, Americans and now Chinese did or are doing, they will find out there are many and will fall, as all large dynasties do. There are many great countries in the world. America was at one point, may still be, but has declined sharply in the last 3 or 4 decades. There are also many others. There are also places, like Russia and China, that are not great. Not for the citizens anyway. Not for the people who want to believe that and are told it's true. In relative terms, America is a great place to live. So is Canada, where I am from. So are Australia, Britain, France and many other countries. They are relatively free and prosperous. None of them is greater than the other. Some are bigger, some are richer, some have slightly more or less freedom and rights for some than others. But in total, they are basically the same place in a different geography. One large country, like China or the United States, is no match for the sum of the rest of the great countries in the world. At some point, China is going to find that out. France, Britain and Germany all failed to understand that and fell by the wayside
This is not where I thought I would start this blog. But as I thought about it, I needed to go back to the root cause of the problem we face in Canada as I write and finish this blog on Sunday. I started it more than 10 days ago, but it just never seemed right. I was missing something. Something that compels somewhat nice and normal Canadians to commit serious illegal offences as they follow extreme radical troublemakers into the abyss. Why would these people do such a thing? Don't they see they have been sold a bag of lies based on foolish, radical, incorrect thoughts that have no basis in fact?
Clearly, they do not. Later in this blog, I will go over why I think they have been convinced to do just that. In any event, it is clear they are buying into the foolish cult behavior we see all the time. And like most cult members, they are far past the point where we can counter the brainwashing without taking radical action to break it.
Biggest doesn't mean greatest. Richest does not mean greatest. As such, America was never the greatest country in the world. Nor has any country ever been the greatest. It is, or was, a very good country to live and grow up in. So was Canada. That isn't the case anymore, but up until recently, both were still pretty damn good. Those days are now gone. The inmates are almost to the point that they run the asylum. That is not to say that it isn't far better than places like China, Russia and many Latin and African countries, to name a few. Relative to those places, where you have no freedom or rights at all, it's still far better. That is not to say it will stay that way or that it won't get far worse, or is already close to that. Just that, right now, we still have it relatively good.
Peng Shuai is an International professional tennis player and has been for more than two decades. As such, she has been all over the globe and would obviously understand what freedom looks like, both in China and outside its borders. As a Chinese citizen though, she would have to be blind to not understand that within China, and probably even when she is not in China, she has no real freedom of any kind. Certainly not free speech.
For whatever reason, she didn't stick to the rules. The unwritten rules that a citizen of China would know. On November 2nd of last year, Peng posted on a Chinese Social media website that a member of the Chinese State, who she was in some sort of relationship with but had broken it off by then, forced her to have sex. Esentially she is accusing him of rape. Or was. And with that statement, she disappeared for two weeks. Vanished without a trace would be more accurate. When she was seen again, she began to backtrack and deny her own freely given allegations. I'm sure two weeks in isolation and serious threats to herself and her family had a lot to do with that. Now she has resurfaced, at the Beijing Olympics, and given an interview to the French press.
Shortly after her post, and her disappearance, and then resurfacing two weeks later she denied the allegations she made in that post. Saying now it's all a misunderstanding. As in now I understand I should keep my mouth shut if I want to be able to live my life.
Here is what she understands after she was given a lesson of freedom in China. Say anything against the State, and there will be dire consequences. You have no freedom of speech and no real legal rights when you are within the borders of China. She got that message and now is towing the party line.
You can read all the details of the whole situation in the article above. Here is the most important part. Peng is not even free to give an interview period without the State official monitoring her. That is how restrictive her freedom and rights are.
Why is that important in a blog about Freedom and rights, about a Trucker convoy in Canada? It shows the contrast and level of freedom we actually have on this side of the world. While the freedom is not absolute, as I will get to, it certainly is monumentally more significant than what any Chinese citizen has. If the Trucker convoy had pulled a stunt like they are doing in Ottawa, Alberta and now Windsor ---in China, there would already be bloodshed and many deaths. Certainly, most of them would be locked up and disappear.
We are here fighting for the freedom of all Canadians. And that's what this is about. It's about people taking the power back.
We are here fighting for our rights. To lift all mandates. I want to be able to do what I want.
And there you have it. This is not about a protest. It's about a fight. A fight for power. The power to do what you want when you want to, even though you have no legal rights or entitlements to any freedom to do that.
It's very clear who these people are. They are selfish. They are defiant. They are law breaking criminals and they are rebellious objectors. Which is fine. That is how they should be treated. They aren't Peng Shuai stating something illegal and immoral that has been done to her. They are a group of fringe crybabies who want to have their way at everyone else's expense. People who dont care one iota about their neighbours. It's all about what is best for them. They have no sense of society or country. They are the weak link in the great country.
In China, you have no freedom and no rights. Freedom of speech, freedom of travel, the right to a fair trial. Any rights for that matter.
In fact, if there was true freedom of speech in China, the doctors that discovered the very early days of Covid19 and wanted to inform the citizens of China and the world about it, would have and we likely would not be in the mess the world is in the last two years.
There is a cost to having freedom. It's not about what you want, but what is best for all of us. That is the give and take that gets you the freedom you take for granted.
There has been a lot of talk lately about freedom and human rights on this side of the ocean. Especially from the Trucker convoy, which is really more of an occupation---an illegal one, than a protest. In addition, there has been major outside interference, almost exclusively from Americans, both at the government level, namely Trump, DeSantis and Cruz and the right wing media in the States. Like them or hate them, when these types speak, the lower level types listen to them without checking any of the facts or thinking through what they said. They donate money, organize in groups to help the protests and create havoc.
Then you have the Fox talking heads like Hannity, Carlson and Ingram who have followers who worship their every word and move and come to believe what those people tell them. They tell them they have the right to protest, resist, occupy and otherwise have the freedom and right to go where they want, and that is their right. When some of those people did that a year ago on January 6th, it didn't work out so well for them and the country. Many of them will do jail time for following that very bad advice. Let's not forget that Trump lives a large portion of his time in his private Club in Florida, which I could not just walk up to the gate and enter. I have no freedom or right to do that. And that is as it should be. But when it comes to giving advice, he tells them to storm the Capitol, and recently supported the truckers occupying Ottawa and taking the city hostage. Which currently, as I write this, they are still doing 3 weeks later. They are nothing but terrorists and their demands have not been met, so they continue to take hostages and make threats.
So let's look at Donald Trump. You will recall he ran in 2016, with his biggest platform being that he was going to build a giant, long wall on the Southern border to keep the illegals out. Mostly Mexicans and other Latin Americans. I guess freedom to cross the border only goes one way. Americans, and now many Canadians don't seem to grasp that concept. You have a border, which I am 100 percent in favor of, then people on both sides don't get to cross it freely without conditions and restrictions. But that is not what the rank and file citizen wants to hear, so Trump, once again, panders to them and says whatever he has to to win them over and get them to donate to his cause.
I have crossed the border hundreds of times in my life. There has not been one time when we didn't have to stop, answer questions, justify our trip, and if that wasn't what they wanted to hear, pulled over or pulled in for more questioning. I've never been refused, but there have been two or three times when it was close to that. I think most of us like it that way. It at least makes an attempt to keep our own country safe, and keep it as great as we think it is. That is why they call it a border. It means something to let someone cross into your territory.
Remember Ted Cruz. Lyin Ted as Trump liked to call him in the election. Well, at least Trump got one thing right. This is the same Ted Cruz who was telling the people of his own state to stay put and freeze while he and his family went to Cancun. Freedom only seems to work for Cruz when it benefits him. Nothing new from him though. Whenever he doesn't get what he wants in the Senate, he delays to try and prevent it.
Taking guidance from the Trumps and Cruzs of the world only leads to the types of things we are seeing now. They are both selfish, foolish, manipulative deviants who care only about themselves. Freedom for them, not for the rest of us.
Ron DeSantis is a simple man. He is the Governor of Florida, but he views that state as its own country and thus, within its borders, he makes all the rules and laws, even though the Country doesn't actually work that way. He is a one man version of the trucker convoy.
Let's have a look at the freedom and human rights that in reality you don't actually have.
So, what about freedom and human rights? You think you have them. You have been told you have them. You think you are entitled to them. But that has never been the actual reality and still is not. You have relative freedom, Not absolute freedom. And there are costs and conditions attached to what you get, and what you have to give up to get them. Sorry, but that is the truth. Even if you don't like it. Protesting, occupying, and throwing immature toddler tantrums is not ever going to change any of that.
When you were young, say about 6 or maybe 8 years old, you were told there was a tooth fairy. You put your tooth under the pillow, and then a day or so later, there is money under that pillow. You believe that until you are smart or mature enough to know better. Eventually you get it. It's just a story to get you to relax and cooperate.
Freedom works like that. You behave well in society. Are somewhat respectful of others and their relative freedom. You receive a certain amount of freedom in return, but it's not absolute and you learn that when you try to go places, cross borders, enter private property, etc.
Freedom. You've got to give for what you take
That is something George Michael learned when he entered the music business. You get certain things for your talent, for your performance, for your music. Things like fame, money, perks and status. You also give up certain things, like the freedom to do whatever you want and be who you are. Like being an openly gay man in a straight world. Or to control what is done with your music.Things like being a drug user when that is somewhat frowned on when you have the good boy WHAM image he put out there to get his career launched. When your personal freedom and your public freedom clash, there are problems. It's a balancing act. No way is it absolute. A give and take. To get. You don't get freedom and money without a cost to you.
"Our message here today is really to stand for our rights to bodily autonomy. We’re here to stand against the vaccine mandates, against the vaccine passports. We’re here to make it clear that we’re not anti-vaxx, we’re not anti-mask or anything like that. We are pro-choice, we’re pro-freedom, we’re pro-science," he said.
He said he thinks vaccine passports and mandatory vaccination are not in line with our Charter of Rights and Freedoms and don't represent Canada.
The key part of the above statement in the article is the choice part. Who and how much do you get to choose where you go, what you get to do, and who gets to tell you where that line in the sand is?
The fact is and still remains that you are not mandated to get the vaccine. I haven't. Nobody is making me and if they did, then, and only then, would I stand with these protesters. I agree they have that right. I don't agree it has been taken away. Where I disagree is that you can go anywhere you want under all conditions.
When Mexicans and other illegals try to cross the border illegally in Texas, California and other border states, are they not human? Do they have a right to freedom too? What is freedom anyway and what are rights that you think you have, are entitled to, or not entitled to in reality?
Let's imagine a scenario. The common held belief by most Americans, and some others in some countries like Canada and Europe for starters. That belief is that you are entitled to have firearms, guns and that is your constitutional right, and in many ways, that is absolute, depending on how extreme you take it, and believe that.
Now, what about where you can take those firearms. Is a restaurant okay? Across a border? Into my house, my property? To a school? Where does that end and where does that start and begin to stop?
About 6 or 7 years ago I was traveling and it was Christmas Eve. I was in Memphis, and pretty much the downtown core was a ghost town. There were one or two restaurants open and we wanted lunch. So, we went into the one that we thought would serve the type of food we both wanted. There was a little bit of shock when we saw the sign outside the restaurant stating that you were not allowed to bring firearms into the restaurant. There was another one on every table in the place, and signs all over to that effect. Should you be free to carry firearms into the restaurant? What about my freedom of mind that someone inside the restaurant isn't going to get into an argument and pull a gun....and start shooting. Whose freedom trumps the other in that case?
Absolute freedom is a fallacy and human rights are something humans say because they are mostly ignorant and will repeat whatever they hear from those they listen to, like Trump and Hannity. You have no basic human rights. You have legal rights that your society and others decide you have. If you lived in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s and into the mid 1940s--- and you were Jewish, you had no legal, moral or human rights of any kind. You were deemed expendable, inferior and thus, you had to be rounded up and exterminated. Period. Full stop. The end. Hitler attempted to do that and almost succeeded. He killed in excess of 6 million Jews before he was stopped. He convinced the German people, who were very down at the time as they got slaughtered in the first world war, that he was the answer to their problems and most of the issue was the Jews that resided in Germany and other neighboring countries like Poland.
In the end, the Jews did survive, because overall world opinion was not on the Germans side. The majority ruled and won. It could have easily not been that way. Majority opinion 3 or 4 centuries ago was that whites were entitled to have slaves, mostly black slaves, and when that opinion was challenged, a Civil War broke out. Who knows what would have happened if the Confederates had won that war. Maybe the society we came to know in Modern North America wouldnt exist. In the end, slavery was abolished, and that is now the majority opinion in most if not all the world. On one of my other trips, I visited Gettysburg, the site of a bloody battle that killed many thousands. That is what it took to settle that war. At this point, these protests, which are more occupations and insurrections, are the beginning of the next Civil War. Barely civil at this point, and leaning towards bloody confrontations like we saw on January 6th and have seen in Canada periodically over the last 30 years. We saw the beginning of that on Sunday, as there are now active counter protests in every area where these rogue freedom Truckers have encamped themselves. It won't be long before they are fighting with each other, and unlike police who are trained to deal with these situations, this will be all out war on the streets. We saw that a couple of years ago in Wisconsin when people died in riots among protestors and counter protesters.
In the wild, animals set boundaries. Determine territory. Mark that territory and defend it, many times to the death, if necessary. It is the bedrock of the world we exist in. We aren't wild animals, but as animals derived from them we operate under the same principles. People and animals are inherently territorial. That isn't about rights, it's about territory and nature.
My territory begins with my front door. If you cross that, you will have to deal with me and I will determine what you can and cannot do. We may disagree, fight about it, and if you defeat me, in whatever way you do and whatever that means, it is now your property. Some would argue the American Indian lost that battle four or five centuries ago and thus, lost the rights they believe they are entitled to. Morally maybe they are, legally we could debate that, from a nature point of view, they lost the territory and have no claim to it. Unless they want to take it back under force, in a battle, a contest which likely fights to the death. Some might even argue that in places like Canada, Oka in particular, that has happened several times, and surely there are cases in the United States as well. Currently, the Native Indians dont have the means, the army, the numbers or the technology to win that battle. In terms of human rights, entitlement, they have zero. Whatever they are given, it's only in terms of trying to keep them happy enough to not fight for what we call...their freedom.
From a country's perspective, their front door is their border. That is where you engage their personal property and territory. They make the rules. As a society, a collective of all citizens who elect representatives to make laws and enforce them. Is that system broken? Probably, but it's the best we have for now and that is how it works. Most are okay with that. A fringe minority are not.
What about your own personal property? Do you have absolute freedom and the right to do whatever you want? No, certainly you do not. There are many places in my city, country and this world where I cannot do many things that I can do in my own house. Smoking cigarettes is one of those. Walking around naked is another. I could list hundreds of examples of the freedom I have on my own enclosed property that I do not have in public outside that boundary or territory. But, there are lots of things I can't do even on my own property. Commit murder is one. Making meth is another. Running a prostitution ring. Disposing or possessing harmful chemicals. There is no absolute freedom in any society. Only relative freedom.
What about shared territory, like a country? Who and what decides who has what freedoms within that? And who has the freedom or right to cross into my territory and under what rules and circumstances, obligations? That is the real question in the current situation we find ourselves all over Canada and specifically Ottawa and now Windsor.
That brings us to the current situation. The freedom to cross borders unvaccinated. The freedom to enter a restaurant, a school, a place of work, travel on an airplane or train. In a shared society where some believe there should be no borders, while many others believe that there always has to be some restrictions on some level.
While you are pretty much free to enter any public building, you can't do it carte blanche. If you want to carry a firearm, or have a criminal record, or have been flagged for whatever reason, you cannot. If your local area has a Community Centre, as long as you meet the basic conditions, you can enter. If, down the street, there is a Private Country club, they decide who can come in. Hence the term private property. Again, there is no absolute freedom. We have come to accept that as just the way it is. Some don't and will never accept that.
Not everyone wants to wear a mask, or agrees to, or thinks others should tell them where and when and if they should have to. But, while they are basically free to do as they please on their own private property, they are not free to go maskless anywhere else where the state, or a bunch of people who control some kind of private property, don't agree with that. From a personal perspective, I decide who comes into my house, and what is required of them, in terms of masks, vaccination and generally how I view them in terms of morals and behaviors. Nobody really has a problem with that, until we view the entire country, the entire land and territory it is comprised of, as one big Private Country Club, where the members--the citizens, get to decide which of those citizens, and outsiders, get to come in, and what is required of them. As such, they have no implied freedom or human right to do anything. Many in our society dont see it that way, and that is where the trouble, the arguments,the protests begin.
And that is what has led to the situation in Canada with the Freedom convoy.
Here is the reality of the freedom convoy. The truckers, even unvaccinated ones, are already free to truck goods across the border and come back. They just have to quarantine a certain amount of days when they return and then test negative. That is both an American and Canadian rule on both sides of the border. There is freedom, with conditions, as there always are. In China, there is no freedom. It is absolute. While the majority rules on this side of the world, in China, a small minority rules the entire country and there are no free elections to change that. At least for now. Eventually the Chinese people as a whole will rise up and change that. And then they too will have to find the proper balance of freedom and the relative sacrifices you have to make to keep them.
The freedom to protest, when you don't like, don't agree with the rules. Yes. Absolutely. The freedom to take hostages, occupy space they don't have rights to occupy, threaten, etc. No. That isn't freedom. That is trespassing and that is terrorism. And that is exactly what is happening here. Who decides what is protest, what is terrorism?
Well, in our society, since we are not savage wild animals, at least most of the time, we agree on this side of the world that the majority rules. That majority is expressed in terms of elected representatives, and every member of society gets one equal vote. Whether you own a Country club, or work in a low paying job, or even are unemployed, or of any race or color, everyone gets one vote. Majority rules. At least that is how it is supposed to work.
What happens when that is not good enough for those, like the freedom truckers convoy, and many other fringe groups? What do they do, and what should the majority do about that? That is the issue. Who has the rights here, and how much freedom is there really?
The fact is that everyone has some level of freedom in our society, and yet, nobody has absolute freedom. And most like it that way. Basically, it's a battle, or balance, between your own personal freedom, and the personal freedoms of others in our society or as a collective. When that balance is out of whack, or perceived to be out of whack, we find out what the majority decide. As for the fringe minorities, they either accept that, fight to the death to get it changed, initiate a movement within peaceful and civilian means to change the system and gain the majority, as the Americans did with the Indians, the Germans did with the Nazis, and then act. Or, they decide there is no way to get what they want, and they simply move somewhere else in the world they believe suits their beliefs, rights and morals. Assuming that territory is interested in having them. Which is not at all certain. In medieval times, that meant moving to other areas to take them by force. Some might argue the Russians are currently doing that with Ukraine, the Chinese with Taiwan and Hong Kong, and countless other examples over time and currently.
So, what to do about the Freedom Convoy Truckers? First lets examine what they actually are, and what the ones who stayed on and are not peaceful protesters, but terrorists who will likely fight to the brink of death if they dont get their way.
How do I know they will fight to the brink of death? Well, I'm not speculating here. They have said they are not leaving until they get what they want, so, they intend to be violent resistors when the time comes to send in the Army and force them to go home. They have made their point with the protest, have gained support where they could, but as they well know, that is not enough to gain them the freedom they want but don't actually have any rights to. So, they will fight like a young horse trying to take away the band of mares from the top stallion until one of them dies. That is what it will have to come to. The fight for control of the territory and the entitlements, the right to make the rules and enforce them.
Every point I have just made is contained in the words and actions of both sides in this article.
A big part of the problem is who is being listened to here, the clout and influence they have, and the lack of actual fact checking done. Mainly because these people have extreme biases.
Everyone has a bias. Trump and Cruz do. I do. You do. Factions do. That is not the issue here. It is when biases are being portrayed as facts, mainly due to ignorance, with people on both sides of the experience ledger, from Megyn Kelly, who should and does know better than to take the word of wild extremists and makes no effort to bring conflicting opinion onto her show, to Joe Rogan, who is just a D list actor who figured out if he acts like Rush Limbaugh, and becomes very divisive and controversial, he can become rich, which he has.
Both present bias as facts, when they clearly are not. Megyn Kelly recently had Ezra Levant on her program. It is clear she did not check on his history, only that his bias conforms and agrees with her opinion. I like Megyn Kelly in some ways. She is pleasant enough, smart and attempts to use facts to make her points. Only she picks and chooses which facts she presents. That doesn't make her unique, but it undermines everything she says. You never know what is actually true, and it's clear she doesnt do her own homework, but has a staff that does the work, and if they get it wrong, she doesn't bother to check herself.
Joe Rogan is a garden variety low life idiot. There is no other nice way to say it, and I won't attempt to. He panders and caters to that exact element. He is their champion and poster child. He constantly brings on radical, incorrect guests who spew lies and foolish batshit crazy ideas.
Both Kelly and Rogan are entitled to do all that. This isn't China. Freedom of speech. I have no desire to censure them. They don't get to decide what happens at our borders. They can express their views freely and it makes no difference.
The problem becomes that those that do listen to them, mostly far right wing types in Kellys case, and uneducated morons in Rogans case, get to vote and make laws by electing those like De Santis, Trump and Cruz who can make laws. That is the connection that poses a problem.
Ezra Levant, while a very fringe media type, does the exact same thing. He just makes up lies, cherry picking his points to create his bias. In Canada, he is so fringe, that only the Freedom Truckers and their kind listen to him, and he is basically ignored because he is insignificant. Go to his Wikipedia page I have provided above. He is a pathological liar, a twice convicted one, an extreme radical, and generally offensive and abrasive. Kelly and Rogan are not insignificant. They both have big followings. Levant runs his own fringe news outlet, called Rebel Media. The name says it all. It's all about rebellion. He started that because he either got fired from every other venture, or the ones he was in failed because even his own like minded partners couldn't stomach him any longer. Kelly having Ezra Levant on her show and stating explicitly that...he is the only member of the Canadian Media reporting this situation fairly and accurately. That says a lot about where she is coming from on this. First off, most of what Levant says are complete lies, the rest are fabrications and exaggerations. Kelly even starts to repeat them because she thinks she has fact checked some of them, when clearly she has not. She is a disgrace at this point. Having Levant on her show was her all time low point. My guess is that she has no clue about his history and what he really stands for. Even she would have trouble accepting him if she did even 10 minutes homework on the internet searching his obvious history.
Megyn Kelly. Joe Rogan. Tomato. Tomato. She doesn't fact check, she accepts lies as facts and then cherry picks one incident to back that up. Again. She has the freedom to do that. As does Rogan. As do I. But, that doesn't make her right. It makes her incompetent. Or appear to be. And certainly biased, which I think she actually admits to if you listen to her show enough.
Here are some of the facts. The real facts of this Trucker Convoy Protest.
These aren't peaceful, civil protests.
Some urinated and parked on the National War Memorial. One danced on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. A number carried signs and flags with swastikas.
In the aftermath of Canada’s biggest pandemic protest to date, the demonstrators have found little sympathy in a country where more than 80% are vaccinated. Many people were outraged by some of the crude behavior.
You can count me among the number that are outraged. I'd like to see them taken away by brute force. They are dangerous criminals, many of whom have firearms in their trucks, and should be treated that way. I will not have a shred of remorse if it comes to shooting them dead, if that is what it takes, and it seems it will. They are asking for it. Sadly, like most bullies, they are also cowards and they are using their children as shields as they keep them in their trucks. That is how crazy stupid and radical these people are. They might get their own kids killed here.
Two of the things Kelly mentioned in her interview with Levant showed her actual ignorance and flip attitude about all this. First, the 24/7 horn blowing in unison of the truckers in Ottawa. Until they were forced to stop. Kelly said the residents should just toughen up and take it, and it's not that bad. I'd like to see her deal with that 24/7 and then what she has to say about it. Secondly, that there was only one isolated racist incident, and most of the people were not that way. That simply is not true. While not a majority of the protesters are radical racists, it's not a tiny minority either, and many have a long history as white supremiscists. That is the fact of the matter here.
To put it bluntly, there are many people who are outraged by the behavior. It's almost all Canadians who are tired of the whining here, the selfishness, the place this comes from in the country. They have no support except from the tiny minority of fringe malcontents who believe they have an entitlement to freedoms and rights which they actually dont.
Do I like having to wear a mask to get groceries? No, I don't. Do I do it? Yes. Firstly, because that is what the majority wants and agrees to. The grocery store is not my house. Not my property. I don't get to make the rules there. Secondly, I believe it protects all equally over time. My rights are not above the rights of the collective society I live in.
Am I personally vaccinated? No. I have my own personal reasons. I'm not anti Vax, I just don't want it for myself and because I have taken this stance, I understand I will have to live with a lot more restrictions than others in my community, my country and the world at large. One of those is that I can't cross the border. I can't get on a plane. I can't go to restaurants, movie theaters, and other venues. I accept that as the give I give to get the freedom I have overall.
Do I think that there should be strict border rules and restrictions? You bet I do. And I don't think they go far enough. But to the extent that I, as a law abiding citizen, have to follow these rules, everyone should have to follow them. No exceptions. Because, it protects the freedom to live healthy for myself, others around me, and all collectively. If that impinges on the supposed freedom of a few who believe they should be allowed to do anything they want because that is how they see it. Well, too bad. Go live in some other country and see if that plays. It wont. In China, they might even barricade your house or apartment building and not even let you out for months. They did that already. They will do it again. In other countries, there are similar situations.
Organizers, including one who has espoused white supremacist views, had raised millions for the cross-country “freedom truck convoy” against vaccine mandates. It attracted support from former U.S. President Donald Trump and Tesla billionaire Elon Musk.
In my opinion, when you attract the support of the Trumps and Musks of the world, you know which side you are on. And it isn't the freedom loving, open minded friendly types. When Musk didn't get his way in California, he just moved his entire operation to Texas. That is his solution. Also his right. But, it's not how most of us live. I'm sure both Trump and Musk live in places where they can surround their property and have people who would be sent out to take care of 24/7 horn blowing. That is how they solve things. They look after themselves but they say different things to the masses.
During the demonstration, the statue of Terry Fox, a national hero who lost a leg to bone cancer as a youngster and set off in 1980 on a fundraising trek across Canada, was draped with an upside-down Canadian flag and a sign that read “Mandate freedom.”
“My kids were shocked. Like all Canadian young people, they have grown up with Terry Fox as a hero,” Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said. “This is not the Canada we want to be. And I really proudly believe, and I know, this is not what Canada is.”
It can't be more simple than that. This isn't the Canada we know, and not who we want to be. It is the America we don't want to be. With guns carried in restaurants, racist bad actors taking the Capitol building by brute force and killing some, threatening to hang the Vice President among other things. While mostly peaceful and non violent to this point, if these rogue activists push the limits of where they are today, they are going to find out even peaceful Canadians have their limits and authorize the government to do what they have to......even if that means killing these tyrants on the spot...to make it stop. They had their time to protest, they arent winning the war of words, and now they are just militant terrorists. There is only one way to take care of these types. Take away their freedom to live....if they are insistent on taking away our freedom to live safely. That sounds harsh, but it's how it is playing out. They have had more than two week's worth of rope, and we are now at the end of that rope. We have become the Canada we dont like, and it's time to restore that to where it used to be.
If not, this is what happens next, and then it gets very bloody and violent. Unfortunately.
Meanwhile, police on Tuesday moved to end a protest convoy of trucks and other vehicles that had been blocking a major U.S. border crossing in Coutts, Alberta, since Saturday. It turned violent after some protesters breached police barriers to join the demonstration, authorities said.
“I’ve received reports in the last hour of people aligned with the protesters assaulting RCMP officers, including one instance trying to ram members of the RCMP, later leading to a collision with a civilian vehicle,” Alberta Premier Jason Kenney. “This kind of conduct is totally unacceptable. Without hesitation, I condemn those actions and I call for calm.”
Kenney called for calm. Most Canadians are calling for action. Enforce the laws we have. Our weak Prime Minister seems to just refuse to do that. His duty. It is shameful.
This has gone too far. You dont have the freedom to protest to the point of terrorism. That is the line that has clearly been crossed early on. It's time to push back that line. And if that means some of these rogues have to die, so be it. They don't want to be civil, they will be treated as hostile. Which they clearly are. I won't shed a tear for them, and I won't miss them. They don't belong in the Canada I know and grew up in.
Megyn Kelly is the prettier, classier, calmer, smarter version. Joe Rogan is the brasher, wilder, younger, dumber, classless version. But they both basically have the same conservative, right of center point of view. Which is fine. They are entitled to that. And if they happen to put out their statements as facts which are actually factually incorrect, then the point is not to cancel them, but to rebut them. Cancelling them solves nothing. It's a vacuum. Cancel them, there are 5 right behind them to take their place. And the people who listen will only become more defiant and compliant to their ideologies if you take their rattle and pacifier away.
The bottom line is this. We have certain rights and freedoms in this country. To get those, we give up other rights and freedoms so that the majority is considered in addition to the individual. That is how democracies worked. And how they stop working when the balance is not there. It is not currently there when terrorists can blockade entire cities and threaten to hang Vice Presidents and overthrough legally elected governments. People can say virtually anything they want, on this side of the world. They don't get to go wherever they want, and act however they choose without consequences.
You take certain freedoms for granted. You have to give back a certain amount to get what you have. If you don't like how that works, there is the door. Hit the road Jack. Cross the border and don't ever come back. We won't miss you. Good riddance.
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