Friday, March 1, 2013

How intrusive is Facebook? You really don't want to know that.

Did a search for homes on the net 2 years ago because I thought I might like to buy something in the Fort Myers area?
Recently, a friend asked me in private message what area I might want to live in.
The next day,  I got suggested listing on Facebook for the exact areas I searched for.
Keep this in mind: Whatever you say in private message,  Facebook Admins have full access to that and you have zero privacy. Anything you say, in chat or private message, anywhere on Facebook is something they gain access to and store for as long as they want.
You have NO PRIVACY whatsoever when you use Facebook. NONE, ZERO. 

The acquisition allows Facebook to use the vast amounts of personal information it has about its billion users to send them targeted messages as they browse the Web. It potentially allows Facebook to increase advertising revenue, its chief source of income, and not just when its users log into Facebook.

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Daily profile about a specific artist,their life, their work and their impact